Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Math Bracelets

Wow! My students were hooked on the math bracelet activity! They wanted to try multiplying the numbers after they were successful with adding the numbers. Two students now have a contest going to see who can make the longest bracelet. The numbers were great to set the pattern and practice some basic computation. My enrichment class expanded the activity by creating a color code for the beads. One student suggested using to beads when we get to double digit answers. I was able to get some digital photos of the colored bracelets. Hopefully, I will be able to share them next time we meet.
One of my goals was to share this activity with our special education teacher. I was also able to share it with my team. They thought it was great.

1 comment:

  1. Kudos Paula!!!

    Mail Mark Kuhlman the photos -- I think he's going to start a page on the WCTM website so that we can post photos and docs there, and link to them from this blog.

